The goal of the fundamentals program is to have fun, and to promote overall fitness through variety and balance. This program provides an opportunity for youth to learn proper swimming, biking, and running techniques. Skills they can use for the rest of their lives!
January 23 2025 - March 16 2025
RMC Junior Fundamentals Program
(Ages 7-13)
The goal of the fundamentals program is to have fun, and to promote overall fitness through variety and balance. This program provides an opportunity for youth to learn proper swimming, biking, and running techniques. Skills they can use for the rest of their lives!
Dates, Times, and Locations
Each session will run for 6-8 weeks starting in January. When a session ends, a re-registration takes place for the next session and repeats until the end of June. So, if you're trying for the first time, and aren't sure if your youth's interest, you only need to make a short commitment for one session - however we find most of the youth want to continue, so be prepared to continue!
The Fundamentals Program is offered twice per week. Sign up for one or both for a deal!!
Equipment Needed
Bathing suit, goggles, towel
Running shoes, shorts, shirt, water bottle
Registration will normally open online for the next session a couple of weeks before it begins. It will open first to the participants from the last session (so they can return to continue if they wish), and then to any others on a wait list, and then to the general public. Max of 12 participants
If you want to be on a waiting list, send an email to with the following information: child's name, birth date, and for which day(s) (Thursday and/or Sunday) you want to sign up for.
We'll put you on our list and notify you via email when you can register, or to notify you that the registration quotas are full.
Session 2 – Jan 23 – Mar 16
Thursdays and Sundays (12 Classes & Tri) - $140
Thursdays (7 Classes & Tri) - $98
6:30 - 7:00pm – Bike & Strength @ Fieldhouse
7:15 - 7:45pm – Swim @ Lawson
Jan 23, 30, Feb 6, 13, 20*, 27, Mar 6**, 13, 16***
* No Class Feb 20th
** No Swim Mar 6 Class
Sundays (5 Classes & Tri) - $74
8:45 - 9:15am – Swim @ Lawson
9:30 - 10:15am – Run @ Fieldhouse
Feb 2, 9, 16*, 23, Mar 2, 9**, 16***
* No Class Feb 16th
** No Swim Mar 9th Class
*** Level10 Splash n’ Sprint Kids of Steel – Sunday Mar.16th 8:30am
To participate in this program, a Triathlon Saskatchewan (TriSask) Youth Membership and an annual Regina Multisport Club (RMC) Child Membership is required. This is a once annual cost of $21 and $5, respectively. You can purchase these during online registration.
A TriSask membership is required to participate in all kids' triathlon events and training throughout the season (September through August). The TriSask youth membership ($21) which includes a mandatory Triathlon Canada Membership. TriSask family memberships are also available.